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"The things which are impossible with men are possible with God!" Luke 18:27
Serving Macomb and East Oakland Counties       586-264-3692

Abuse & Addiction

Serving Macomb and East Oakland Counties  
Serving Macomb and East Oakland Counties  

Abuse and Addiction of All Types

Child/Adult Sexual Abuse

Perhaps you are reading this page because you either have been sexually abused or know someone who has. Either way the effects of this type of trauma can be devastating and have long lasting consequences. It is estimated that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 5 boys have been sexually abused by the time they reach the age of 18. As adults, date rape and partner sexual abuse are common occurrences. The effects of such crimes can cause the child or adult to suffer from guilt, shame, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, revictimization, and relationship difficulties. Victims of sexual abuse may also struggle with issues related to substance abuse disorders, eating disorders, dissociative disorders, and sexual dysfunction. Inquiry is the first step toward angry womanrecovery! Change Is Possible Counseling Services, LLC has qualified clinicians ready to work with you to heal the effects of sexual abuse and help you regain the lost hope for a happier and more productive life.

Sexual Addiction

Sexual addiction is not only one of the fastest growing mental health conditions in this country, it is one of the most difficult to overcome. It can be defined as a preoccupation with sexual thoughts and actions. Sexual thoughts and activity tend to dominate the sex addict's thinking, making it difficult to work or engage in healthy personal relationships.
Some of the behaviors associated with sexual addiction may include:
  • Frequent use of pornography
  • Compulsive masturbation
  • Internet or phone sex (cybersex)
  • Engaging in prostitution or the use escorts
  • Unsafe sex
  • Obsessive dating through social networking or personal ads
  • Sexual harassment
  • Multiple affairs or anonymous sexual partners including one-night stands
  • Exhibitionism
  • Voyeurism (watching others) and/or stalking
  • Molestation/rape
This condition usually results in escalating sexual behavior despite the negative consequences. Persons suffering from sexual addiction usually make serious efforts to stop their thoughts and actions but are frequently unable to break the bonds of this powerful addiction! Typically, someone with this addiction forms no emotional bond with the object of their lust and does not even gain a lasting satisfaction when they “act out”. Because of the sensitive and vulnerable nature of a person’s sexuality, someone suffering from this condition will typically experience a high degree of guilt and shame. This guilt and shame become part of the addictive cycle. Change Is Possible Counseling Services, LLC understands what you have been struggling with and wants to help you overcome your addiction and take control of your sexuality and your life! Please allow one of our trained and experienced therapists to guide you in the recovery process. Do not wait until serious problems in your life occur as a result of this addiction. We can help you to be free of denial and begin your treatment of sexual addiction today!

The treatment process will focus on:
  • Education about healthy sexuality
  • Controlling the addictive behavior
  • Developing the skills necessary to turn unhealthy sex into healthy sex
  • Individual counseling
  • Marital and / or family therapy
  • Developing and implementing a vision for success by:
    • Building accountability 
    • Addressing physical issues
    • Creating healthy relationships 
    • Healing from personal trauma
    • Finding spiritual intimacy with God 
Do not hesitate - contact our clinic and speak to one of our friendly and helpful staff at 
586-264-3692. Become a part of the community of recovering sexual addicts today!

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is abuse, plain and simple. Whether you are called names, told you are unlovable or worthless, or physically abused the abuser’s plan is to weaken your self confidence and ultimately control you. Control is the only way these damaged individuals can feel better about themselves. You cannot recognize their weaknesses when you feel helpless, and it may seem like there is no end in sight.

Fortunately, counseling for survivors of domestic abuse can help you regain your physical and mental strength. This will fist then allow you to see exactly what is happening or has happened and help you regain the confidence you need to “walk away”. We can help you locate the resources and teach you the skills you need to live a fulfilling, positive life again without the pain and negativity.

Please call our office at 586-264-3692 today!
Please call us at 
586-264-3692 today!

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Change Is Possible Counseling Services, LLC

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